Enchanter NPC Relation

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Enchanter NPC Relation

Post by aashish80 »

We have heard all talk about what affects Enchanter NPC relation but nothing concluisve till date.

It will be worth a shot to try and collect inputs of all regarding Enchanter NPC Relation. So which NPC do you think is the one that provides Enchanter Relation.

Enchanter functions I am told -
1. Help secure success in use of OPG
2. Help secure success in use of SMS, SJ, LJ and other Upgrade Items for lvl 11-15

So which NPC class affects this - Storage or Healer ?

And next is the theory that if we are closer to the relevant NPC then success or benefit from it improves. How far is this true for Enchanter?

And a final theory that has been doing rounds is enchanter function and map relation (especially Tocsique maps) - anyone has details on this ?
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Re: Enchanter NPC Relation

Post by Gon »

Probably, It's a fake story. ~x( :-o
CharNameIs :- = Aargon (RB"12 165") :yahoo:
CharName Is = Golden Fox (RB"12 165") :ymdevil:
Char Name Is = Rajputbhai (RB"12 165") \m/
IGKH = Cobra Gang
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