Game Updates - Maintenance Release

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Game Updates - Maintenance Release

Post by [GM]Blade »

A3 Mania GameMaster
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New A3 Game Guide

Post by [GM]Blade »

We have launched a new A3 Game Guide for new players. You can find it in the link below.

Introduction - A3 Mania - A3 Mania - A3 Guide
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Drop Rate Changes

Post by [GM]Blade »

We have made improvements to the drop rates of bosses after carefully studying the economy of the game and the supply demand ratio. Over the coming weeks, we will be further monitoring and will make adjustments if required.

We have permanently discontinued Neryidar G and Neridary J items from the Eshop.
A3 Mania GameMaster
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General Update Changelog

Post by [GM]Blade »

  1. Friend requests only work when the target player is in visual proximity. We are extending the same for other character interactable functionality like Trade, Inspect, Party Requests etc.
  2. Rebirth Items and now available in Premium Shop to purchase with Mark of Rubals.
  3. Hamutz bosses will now provide drops randomly to players in proximity of the boss (10 block radius) as opposed to damage based drop system that was added in the previous update. This is done to ensure other participating players like Holy Knights and Mages also stand a chance to get the drops as opposed to only Archers getting majority of the drops.
  4. Hamutz entry requirement for bossing has been reduced to RB 11.
  5. Arena is up and fully functional. Oblivion Shield and Wounds will not work inside arena for Full Grade 8 Unique set.
  6. Fixed issue with Grade 8 Full unique set not working properly on Mercenaries.
  7. Fixed an issue which will cause the player to still appear in the map after teleporting.
  8. Misery at Grnita quest level requirement has been reduced from Level 100 to Level 80.
A3 Mania GameMaster
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Game Update - 21st June 2024

Post by [GM]Blade »

The following change are carried out.
  1. 5 minute entry restriction for Hamutz bossing has been removed.
  2. Hamutz bosses can summon legion creeps to guard and heal it occasionally.
  3. Hamutz boss legion creeps will only heal the Ishina boss. Regular creeps in the map will not heal the boss. Please refer to the Game Guide for more information about creep skills.
  4. Fixed an issue that would cause legion creeps to remain in the Hamutz maps even after the boss disappears causing the creeps to heal the boss when it subsequently spawns and also causing unwanted creep pileup in the map near the boss spawn locations.
  5. Added visual and text indicators whenever any legion creep heals the boss.
  6. Legion creps will be locked to the boss and they will not provide kills that count towards quest conditions.
  7. Warrior's Rubal Elixir will return wounds damage back to the player who inflicted wounds.
  8. Rapone will now completely block Warrior's Rubal elixir returned damaged for melee, spells and wounds.
On 8th June 2024, the changelog mentioning Hamutz boss drop changes was worded incorrectly causing confusion among players. Please find the correct implementation details below.
  1. If multiple players engage with the boss without party, the drops will be distributed to all the players who have engagement with the boss giving priority to players who have the maximum engagement.
  2. If the engaged player is a part of a party, the drops will be randomly distributed among party members irrespective of the damage dealt or engagement by the individual party members. This is to ensure the drops are also distributed among HolyKnights and Mages who are a part of the party and contribute towards facilitating the party to kill the boss with their support activities (Healing / Whipnos / Freeze etc).
A new client update is released. Please update your client before attempting to login.
A3 Mania GameMaster
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