The new server is Located in Frankfurt Germany.
Initially we had some problems with the new server. Its fixed now.
The server is very good and the latency and performance are it its best, However there is a slight degrade in the Melee hit rate.
We are now changing the names of the characters. Please open a support ticket If your character contains special characters,numbers or more than 12 characters in length. All the Characters with more than 1 Capital Letter will be converted to smaller Letters. WE WILL NOT ENTERTAIN ANY REQUESTS TO CHANGE CHARACTER NAME OTHER THAN NUMBER, SPECIAL CHARACTERS OR MORE THAN 12 CHARACTER LENGTH.
Server will be up soon as we make the change. Hope for the best.
Airtel has known issues with Ping. You need to approach your ISP for a solution to this.
New Patch will be available soon. I will be posting an Auto-Updater(A New Version) which will automatically download the required files.
New Event Coming up:- BONUS HUNTING MAP